2021-06-28 18:45:39 -07:00
if life < 1
score += 200
if global.boss != 0
global.boss = 0
switch global.boss
case 0:
case 1:
global.ta = 0
times += 5
if life > 600
if frac(times/15) = 0
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + global.ta*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 180 + ceil(global.rank/2) + global.ta*2
speed = 6+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life > 200 and life < 600
if frac(times/15) = 0
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+random(3)+.1*global.rank
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+ random(3) +.1*global.rank
if life < 200
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(800-global.ma-global.ta*10,0,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = 270
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(global.ma+global.ta*10,0,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = 270
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
global.ma += global.rank
if global.ma >=800
global.ma = 0
//Stage 1 shooting code goes here
case 2:
if life > 980
times += 5
info += 1
if info > global.rank + 3
info = 0
if (info < global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life > 800 and life < 1020
times += 5
info += 1
if info > global.rank + 3
info = 0
if (info < global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life > 500 and life < 800
times += 5
if frac(times/15) = 0
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+random(3)+.1*global.rank
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+ random(3) +.1*global.rank
if life > 100 and life < 500
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
direction = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y)
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
direction = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y)
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
direction = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y) + 50-global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
speed = 10+.1*global.rank
direction = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y) - 50+global.rank
if life < 100 and life > 5
global.spin = 0
times += 5
info += 1
if info > 1 + 15
info = 0
if (info < 1)
global.spin += 1
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = global.spin + 210 + obj_boss.info
speed = 4+global.rank*.2
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = global.spin + 150 + obj_boss.info
speed = 6+global.rank*.1
//Stage 2 shooting code goes here
case 3:
if life > 1100
times += 5
if frac(times/15) = 0
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + global.ta*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 180 + ceil(global.rank/2) + global.ta*2
speed = 6+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life < 1100 and life > 800
times += 5
if frac(times/15) = 0
global.rounds = 0
if spintype = 0
spintype = 1
spintype = 0
global.rounds += 1
iii = instance_create(x-100+200*spintype,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = 10*global.rounds
speed = 6+global.rank*.1
iii = instance_create(x+100-200*spintype,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = 10*global.rounds
speed = 6+global.rank*.1
if life < 800 and life > 500
times += 5
if frac(times/15) = 0
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+random(3)+.1*global.rank
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+ random(3) +.1*global.rank
if life < 500
repeat (5)
global.spin = spin
global.rounds += 1
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
speed = 8 + global.rank
friction = -global.rank*.1
direction = (360/5)*global.rounds + global.spin
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
speed = 8 + global.rank
friction = -global.rank*.1
direction = -(360/5)*global.rounds - global.spin
spin += spinspeed
if spintype = 1
spinspeed += .25
if spintype = 0
spinspeed -= .25
if spinspeed > 50
spintype = 0
if spinspeed < -50
spintype = 1
//Stage 3 shooting code goes here
case 4:
if life > 1500
times += 5
info += 1
if info > global.rank + 3
info = 0
if (info < global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life > 1350 and life < 1550
times += 5
info += 1
if info > global.rank + 3
info = 0
if (info < global.rank)
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 270
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 180
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2 + 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2+ 90
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = obj_boss.times/2 - ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
iii = instance_create(x,y + 50,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = -obj_boss.times + 135 + ceil(global.rank/2) + obj_boss.info*2
speed = 8+.1*global.rank
global.ta += 1
if life < 1350 and life > 1100
times += 5
if frac(times/15) = 0
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+random(3)+.1*global.rank
global.tweex = x - 120 + random(240)
global.tweey = y - 20 + random(40)
repeat (global.rank)
iii = instance_create(global.tweex,global.tweey,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
direction = irandom(360)
speed = 5+ random(3) +.1*global.rank
if life < 1100 and life > 700
repeat (5)
global.spin = spin
global.rounds += 1
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_L_A)
with (iii)
speed = 8 + global.rank
friction = -global.rank*.1
direction = (360/5)*global.rounds + global.spin
iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_enemybullet_D_A)
with (iii)
speed = 8 + global.rank
friction = -global.rank*.1
direction = -(360/5)*global.rounds - global.spin
spin += spinspeed
if spintype = 1
spinspeed += .25
if spintype = 0
spinspeed -= .25
if spinspeed > 50
spintype = 0
if spinspeed < -50
spintype = 1
if life < 700
global.rotator = 0
xtemp = irandom(1024)
ytemp = irandom(300)
repeat (10*global.rank)
stuff = instance_create(xtemp,ytemp,obj_enemybullet_D_A);
with (stuff)
direction = global.rotator;
speed = 1 + (global.rank);
global.rotator -= ceil(360 / (10 * global.rank));
xtemp = irandom(1024)
ytemp = irandom(300)
repeat (10*global.rank)
stuff = instance_create(xtemp,ytemp,obj_enemybullet_L_A);
with (stuff)
direction = global.rotator;
speed = 1 + (global.rank);
global.rotator -= ceil(360 / (10 * global.rank));
2021-07-07 18:45:10 -07:00
alarm[0] = 120 /global.rank;
2021-06-28 18:45:39 -07:00
//Stage 4 shooting code goes here
case 5:
//Final boss shooting code goes here
2021-07-07 18:45:10 -07:00