2 4 0 noname 0 noname It was the mornin' of the 100th annual Gensokyo State Fair.#Folks came from all around to bring their goods#to the the grand market on the Scarlet sisters' lawn. 2 2 0 noname 0 noname Gensokyo, of course, isn't a state per se.#Flandre had simply started the tradition of a 'state fair'#because she thought it would be fun after#Patchouli had shown the sisters an Outside World film#she had borrowed from Sanae to study. 2 3 0 noname 0 noname It also hasn't been going for a hundred years.#Flandre simply thought it sounded cooler that way. 2 2 0 noname 0 noname It wound up being a very popular idea for youkai#who weren't taken aback by the strangeness of it all.#It was a market only rivaled by Gensokyo's more#traditional festivals, and this one has a twist. 2 4 0 noname 0 noname The Scarlets (well, mostly Sakuya if we're bein' honest)#go all out with the decorations.#From the center of the fairgrounds,#you'd think you'd've been spirited away to#the Ol' Wild West. 2 4 0 noname 0 noname This meant a lot of folk try to fit in best they can.#Even cranky ol' Reimu's wearin' a sheriff's badge. 2 4 0 noname 0 noname I was, of course, chillin', takin' it easy.#I had some yakitori Mokou was sellin'.#I had my trusty lasso.#Everything was lookin' mighty peaceful in my patch of dust. 1 4 0 noname 0 Kutaka Egads! My precious yukkuris!#They have escaped! 2 4 0 Reimu 0 Kutaka A cry for help!#I glanced at Reimu, who shrugged.#"It's my day off".#I looked at my lasso and knew what I must do. 2 4 0 noname 0 noname Only the strongest cowboys could hope to tussle and#wrangle up something so slippery as a yukkuri. 0 4 0 Cirno 0 noname It's up to I, the Baka Vaquera Cirno, to save this fair!