dx = camera_get_view_x(view_camera[0]); dy = camera_get_view_y(view_camera[0]); if (pause) { if (!surface_exists(paused_surface)) { if (paused_surface == -1) { instance_deactivate_all(true); } paused_surface = surface_create(view_get_wport(view_camera[0]) * surface_mult, view_get_wport(view_camera[0]) * surface_mult); surface_set_target(paused_surface); draw_surface(application_surface, 0, 0); surface_reset_target(); } else { draw_surface_ext(paused_surface, dx, dy, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1); draw_set_alpha(0.5); draw_set_color(c_black); draw_rectangle(0, 0, room_width, room_height, false); draw_set_alpha(1); draw_rectangle(dx - 1, dy - 1, dx + 641, dy + 30, false); draw_rectangle(dx - 1, dy + 335, dx + 641, dy + 361, false); draw_set_halign(fa_right); draw_set_color(c_fuchsia); draw_text(dx + 630, dy + 340, "Paused, press P to continue, press S to save, press ESC to exit"); draw_set_color(c_orange); draw_set_halign(fa_left); draw_text(dx + 10, dy + 10, "Log mode"); if (!surface_exists(log_surface)) { log_surface = surface_create(620,260); } surface_set_target(log_surface); draw_clear_alpha(c_black, 1); textlinescount = 0; textline = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (log_dy + i < LOG_LIMIT) { if (global.log_text[log_dy + i] != 0) { draw_set_color(c_aqua); draw_text(20, textlinescount * 20, global.log_names[log_dy + i]); textlinescount++; draw_set_color(c_ltgray); draw_text(40, textlinescount * 20, global.log_text[log_dy + i]); textlinescount++; textline = global.log_text[log_dy + i]; for(var j = 0; j < string_length(textline); j++) { if (string_char_at(textline, j) == "\n") { textlinescount++; } } textlinescount++; } } } surface_reset_target(); draw_set_color(c_black); draw_set_alpha(0.5); draw_rectangle(dx + 10, dy + 35, dx + 630, dy + 295, false); draw_set_alpha(1); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_add); draw_surface_ext(log_surface, dx + 10, dy + 35, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_free(log_surface); if ( log_dy > 0) { draw_sprite(spr_uparrow, 0, 320, 10); } if ( log_dy < global.loaded_file[? SAVE_LINENUM] ) { draw_sprite(spr_downarrow, 0, 320, 310); } } } if (save_display > 0) { draw_set_halign(fa_right); draw_text_ext_transformed_color_border(dx + 600, dy + 10, "Saving...", 20, 150, 1, 1, 0, c_green, c_orange, c_green, c_orange, 1, 1, c_fuchsia); draw_set_halign(fa_left); }