shootdelay--; rundelay--; if (shootdelay <= 0 && volley < 4) { shootdelay = 30; volley++; audio_play_sound(snd_enemy_bullet, 10, false); shoot = instance_create_layer(x, y, "lyr_ground", obj_enemy_shooter_bullet); with (shoot) { speed = 2; direction = point_direction(x, y, obj_marisa.x, obj_marisa.y) - 20; } shoot = instance_create_layer(x, y, "lyr_ground", obj_enemy_shooter_bullet); with (shoot) { speed = 2; direction = point_direction(x, y, obj_marisa.x, obj_marisa.y); } shoot = instance_create_layer(x, y, "lyr_ground", obj_enemy_shooter_bullet); with (shoot) { speed = 2; direction = point_direction(x, y, obj_marisa.x, obj_marisa.y) + 20; } } if (rundelay <= 0) { if (!targeting) { runtarget_x = obj_marisa.x; runtarget_y = obj_marisa.y; targeting = true; } if (targeting) { move_towards_point(runtarget_x, runtarget_y, 3); if (x < runtarget_x + 10 && x > runtarget_x - 10 && y < runtarget_y + 10 && y > runtarget_y - 10) { speed = 0; rundelay = 300; volley = 0; targeting = false; } } }