//actions if ( ( keyboard_check(vk_up) ) || ( keyboard_check(vk_down) ) || ( keyboard_check(vk_right) ) || ( keyboard_check(vk_left) ) ) { var mov_x = keyboard_check(vk_right) - keyboard_check(vk_left); var mov_y = keyboard_check(vk_down) - keyboard_check(vk_up); if ( ( place_meeting( x+(5*mov_x), y, obj_water) ) && ( !place_meeting( x+(5*mov_x), y, obj_barrier) ) ) { x += lengthdir_x( 5, point_direction( x, y, x+mov_x, y+mov_y ) ); } if ( (place_meeting( x, y+(5*mov_y), obj_water) ) && ( !place_meeting( x, y+(5*mov_y), obj_barrier) ) ) { y += lengthdir_y( 5, point_direction( x, y, x+mov_x, y+mov_y ) ); } } if ( keyboard_check(ord("C")) ) { if (shotwait <= 0) { for ( i=0; i<7; i++ ) { var bullet = instance_create(x,y,obj_spray) with (bullet) { speed = 35; direction = 90 - 21 + (other.i * 7); image_angle = direction; } } shotwait = 3; if ( obj_water.image_yscale > 1 ) { with (obj_water) { image_yscale -= 0.1; } if ( !place_meeting( x, y+3.2, obj_barrier) ) { y += 3.2; } } } shotwait -= 1; } //upkeeps if ( obj_water.image_yscale < 12 ) { with (obj_water) { image_yscale += 0.005; } y -= 0.08; }