global.poweredup -= 1 if global.girlhp < 1 { if taggers = 0 { global.death = 300 taggers = 1 instance_destroy() } } if keyboard_check(vk_escape) { sound_stop_all() game_restart() } global.bombtier += .2 if global.bombtier >= 100 and tagger = 0 { sound_play(snd_bombready) tagger = 1 } if global.bombtier > 100 { global.bombtier = 100 } if score > 50000*lifetag { global.girlhp += 1 lifetag += 1 global.extend = 120 sound_play(snd_extend) } if keyboard_check(vk_up) { tagy -= 6 } if keyboard_check(vk_down) { tagy += 6 } if keyboard_check(vk_left) { tagx -= 6 } if keyboard_check(vk_right) { tagx += 6 } if keyboard_check_pressed(ord("C")) { sound_play(snd_directionswitch) if shotdir = -1 { shotdir = 1 } else { shotdir = -1 } } if keyboard_check(ord("Z")) { if shot_yes = 1 and instance_exists(obj_girl) { iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_shot) with (iii) { tagspeed = 25 tagdir = 90 - 90*obj_girl.shotdir } if global.poweredup >= 1 { iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_shot) with (iii) { tagspeed = 25 tagdir = 90 - 100*obj_girl.shotdir } iii = instance_create(x,y,obj_shot) with (iii) { tagspeed = 25 tagdir = 90 - 80*obj_girl.shotdir } } shot_yes = 0 alarm[11] = 3 sound_play(snd_shot) } } if keyboard_check_pressed(ord("X")) { if global.bombtier >= 100 { instance_create(x,y,obj_bombpart) with (obj_enemy) { instance_destroy() } global.bombtier = 0 tagger = 0 sound_play(snd_bombexplodeA) sound_play(snd_bombexplodeB) sound_play(snd_bombexplodeC) } else { sound_play(snd_bombno) } } image_xscale = shotdir global.girlinvuln -= 1 if tagx > 460 { tagx = 460 } if tagx < 20 { tagx = 20 } if tagy > 300 { tagy = 300 } if tagy < 20 { tagy = 20 } x = tagx + __view_get( e__VW.XView, 0 ) y = tagy + __view_get( e__VW.YView, 0 )