
65 lines
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if blocks > 0
blocks += 1
if blocks > 4
blocks = 1
stuff = instance_create(x,y,obj_bullet_boss_particle_big)
with (stuff)
speed = 5 + random(2)
direction = random(360)
stuff = instance_create(x,y,obj_cherry_parts)
with (stuff)
speed = 5 + random(2)
direction = random(360)
if untouchable = 1
global.bossHP = prevhp
prevhp = global.bossHP
if blah = 3
instance_create(random(room_width),random(room_height) - 300,obj_cherry);
blah = 0
blah += 1
if moving <= 0 and possible = 1
movex = x-100+irandom(200)
movey = y-20+irandom(40)
if (instance_exists(obj_player) ) {
if (movex < x and x > obj_player.x) or (movex > x and x < obj_player.x)
if movey > 300
movey -= 60
if movey < 70
movey += 60
if movex > 954
movex -= 300
if movex < 70
movex += 300
moving = 20
friction = .05
if speed <= 1
moving -= 1