global.bossHP = 25000 draw_set_alpha(1); if ticker != 11 draw_self(); draw_set_alpha(.75) draw_set_color(c_black) draw_roundrect(30,550,994,740,false); draw_set_alpha(.25) draw_roundrect(30,550,994,690,false); draw_roundrect(30,550,994,640,false); draw_roundrect(30,550,994,590,false); draw_set_alpha(1); draw_set_color(c_white); draw_roundrect(30,550,994,740,true); draw_set_font(font0); if ticker = 0 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("The secrets of life have been searched by humanity for centuries.")) draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("Some have tried careful research, others relied on religion.")) draw_text(45,685,string_hash_to_newline("Some have even tried to artificially cross the veil themselves.")) } if ticker = 1 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("This is all wrong, though.")) } if ticker = 2 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("The key to understanding life is understanding yourself.")) draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("And the key to understanding a human's nature is in their decisions,")) draw_text(45,685,string_hash_to_newline("made in the blink of an eye, when they are most endangered.")) } if ticker = 3 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("Naturally, that means that the meaning of life is individualized.")) draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("So... You must ask yourself... What is the meaning of your life?")) draw_text(45,685,string_hash_to_newline("Can you find the meaning of life in the midst of death?")) } if ticker = 4 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("This trial of life and death... Can you discover yourself?")) } if ticker = 5 { sound_stop(snd_MysteriousBeing); sound_loop(snd_BossThemeKeeperofBalance); instance_destroy(); } if ticker = 6 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("I... I'm impressed...")); } if ticker = 7 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("In the midst of death, you were able to help me.")) draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("You were able to see what I was, and see through the facade")); draw_text(45,685,string_hash_to_newline("which I had so happily and blindly created.")); if blah = 0 { sound_stop(snd_MysteriousBeing); sound_stop(snd_BossThemeKeeperofBalance); sound_play(snd_EisiolsTheme); blah = 1 } } if ticker = 8 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("I was the keeper of the most sacred border, and yet I was unworthy.")); draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("My fall, Fey Maynii, was why they were able to invade the land")); draw_text(45,685,string_hash_to_newline("of dreams. For that... I apologize to you and your people.")); } if ticker = 9 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("But seeing you here, one who actually is worthy; far more than ")); draw_text(45,625,string_hash_to_newline("myself... There is nothing I am more happy about.")); } if ticker = 10 { draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("Thank you...")); } if ticker = 11 { with (obj_bossSprite) { instance_destroy(); } draw_text(45,565,string_hash_to_newline("((Press 'R' to restart, or to exit the game))")) } if ticker = 12 { instance_destroy(); }