possible = 0 if distance_to_point(512,334) > 2.5 move_towards_point(512,334,2); untouchable = 0 if global.shottype != 8 global.shottype = 1 if shooting = 1 { repeat (30*global.RANK) { stuff = instance_create(x,y,obj_bullet_boss_1); with (stuff) { direction = global.rotator; speed = 2; } global.rotator += 12 / global.RANK } sound_play(snd_themshoot); alarm[8] = 60 } if global.bossHP > 17500 global.currentmin = 17500 if global.bossHP < 17501 and global.bossHP > 4000 { global.bossHP = 17500 untouchable = 1 global.life += 1 sound_play(snd_attackcomplete) alarm[1] = 60 alarm[0] = -1 move_towards_point(512,334,5); with (obj_bullet_boss_Base) instance_destroy(); } if global.bossHP < 1 { untouchable = 1 shooting = 0 global.bossHP = 0 global.currentmin = 25000 with (obj_bullet_boss_Base) { instance_destroy(); } stuff = instance_create(672,96,obj_talker); with (stuff) { ticker = 6 } global.shottype = 9 blocks = 1; alarm[8] = -1 }